An education blog so I can get my teaching credential.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sarah is massaging my shoulders

I am in Dallas still. What a wild time! My sisters are so nice. Sarah is massaging my back right now. Cool huh? Well, talk to you all tomorrow (after I play some Star Wars game). Bye!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nick's Education Podcast #1

Here's a podcast I created to meet class requirements and have fun. This edition is about copyright law and teachers.

Here is the link to my podcast; it should work - just go there and just let it play or download it.

Here's the link to the page with some copyright basics for teachers.


Hello all!

This is my website/blog for my EDTE 415 class - Technology for Educators. I am using this to demonstrate basic computer skills that educators need to use technology successfully in the classroom. I'll probably post more stuff from my classes or interesting education links here - maybe even a podcast!

A little about myself: I'm a single subject credential student at CSUB and hope to soon teach high school English. I love Shakespeare, Dante, Dostoevsky, Cervantes, Donne, Poe, Whitman, etc., etc., I could go on and on and on ...

And to spice it up, here's an English related photo from a recent trip I took to Europe!